Thursday, 25 March 2010

Problem Analysis - Negotiated Brief, Sports Headlines


Select ten quotes carefully from The Sun Sports columns, and visually communicate them using only the text in which they are written. Can use quotes you have heard from the T.V, i.e commentary or interviews, just remember to reference.

Who Needs To Know?

Audience, Readers of The Sun? The Sun? Sport fans in general?

What Do They Need To Know?

What the poster is about,
Where did the quote, headline come from?
Who is it about?
Why did it get said?
REFERENCE each poster.

Why Do They Need To Know?

Cause they could be interested in sports and understand the humor used,
and where the quote/headline came from.

What Will They Respond To?

Audience will respond to the layout and colours of the posters, what they are about.
Why where they said and who it is about, and the audience who enjoy sports may be able to relate to the designs.

What Research Is Required?

Collect The Sun papers, highlight or make a note of headlines/quotes/articles.
Listen out for what commentators say or interviewers,
and the responses from the athletes.
Check out past funny quotes.

Negotiated Brief - Stupid Sports Quotes

The Brief

Select ten sports quotes carefully from a newspaper column, or something you heard from a sports programme and visually communicate them using only the text in which they are written.


THINK VISUALLY. Consider what the visual essence of your subject matter is (the quote) and how best to communicate this. What are the obvious responses? How can you move beyond these?

Will the quote exist in the environment, on someone’s hand or a wall? Is it handcrafted or digital?

Is colour important? Will you work with just one typeface or will you use a range? Do typefaces have to be hybrid?

Target Audience

Who this brief aimed towards?
The Sun?
People Who read the sun?
or just general sport fans?

Tone of Voice

Try to make it funny/humorous, something the audience would enjoy reading and looking at.


The context of a quote depends upon who said it, whom it was said to (even if there was on one there), the environment in which is said and the tone in which it was spoken. “Words” do not exist out of context.

Working with type as image allows you to convey more than simply words the have been written.

The quote exists in the context of the article so how can this give you visual clues as to how the text from the quote may work as image?

Bib, Handjob, Playful Type.


All images should be supported by a broad range of visual investigation in the form of design sheets and notebooks.

The final image should be presented on an A2 either landscape or portrait format.

The type does not have to be an existing typeface.


Ten visually resolved quotes submitted on A2.

Studio Deadline

19th April 2010

Branding/Signage Crit

My 6 signs got positive feedback, maybe the best feedback I have had for a piece of work since being here.
Was told to keep them the same, just edit the type on "Studio Two, Leading To Studio Three"
Make it fit in with the other 5 within the set.

General feedback was, that they are appealing cause they conform with the identity of the college,
and that the font and balance is perfect for the passer by.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Monday, 8 March 2010

Ident Idea

Me and Marc have spoke alot about the idea of the ident,
and the idea is that we want to use images, not video,
so an idea we had in mind was flicking images between advertisments,
but you don't find out what they are about till the last image which will be the Bacardi Logo with a slogen,
up to now we have "The Mojito Effect" whether that will change we will see.

We got the idea of the flicking images from "Snatch" Franky Four Fingers,
Look at the video above, from 28 seconds to 31 seconds,
Something along those lines.

Before & During First Crit

Before Crit:

Myself and Marc had the idea of designing a packaging for some sort of Bacardi Rum bottle,
along with a Poster Campaign, and a T.V ident.

Images of our package work!

After Crit:

We presented our pitch to the group and tutors, and got advice given,
we feel the crit went well, and we got alot out of it.
and it has totally changed our perspective on the brief,
we have binned the idea of doing packaging and souly focusing on the Ident and Poster Campaign,
we are likely to use photography for the design.

we are keeping some of the ideas we still first had,
but we are approaching them differently.


Me and Marc where looking into the different cocktails possible to buy,
and we thought of the idea of using patterns, and the examples that came to mind where 'Lynx'
as each sense has its own pattern and design,
So we thought for each cocktail we do we could have a different patter/design for that flavour.


Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Existing Bacardi Advertisements

Was looking into existing advertising, and the first one I came across, reminded me of an idea me and Marc had.
The empty glass with a napkin, but ours would have a phone number to go with the "flirty" idea.

Existing Bacardi Advertisements:

Bacardi Website

The Bacardi website is well layed out and designed,
all the movements and sounds work well with how the screen displays.
This could come in pretty handy to us, as we aim to produce a ident, could possible use something along these lines?

I advise a quick look:

We are looking into cocktails,
improving the look and making it all look more appealing.

Looking into the Bacardi website, their is a section on "Cocktails"


Also looking into the Mojito side of cocktails.


Then as well as cocktails, they of course have the other range,
Bacardi Rum, Bacardi Breezers and others.

History of Bacardi

Since the beginning of Bacardi, they have always kept the same logo,
for bottled prints,
But the type face has changed a couple of times,
as you can see on the second video below.

As a pair, me and Marc are looking into the history of Bacardi,
seeing if there is anything that we can find that we could use, or something we can find useful to put into our work.
We have had a chat and decided we would like to do an ident for part of our brief,
we found these few videos of the history of Bacardi on the Bacardi website.

The way the video is designed and produced is good,
flows really well and is also appealing on the eye.

This video was also on the website,
this could be handy, as we are changing the typeface, they show existing and past typeface Bacardi have used.