This is not one of the examples I am showing to explain on this blog, but I though I would throw it in, because I feel the black and white image works on the blank background,
& how the blue text stands out, and how I could try this and experiment with colour aswell with the text.
All just ideas I could try out for the brief.
I was thinking about that collage idea, of combining the images into one image,
and when browsing Nike Football, I found a few more, but these don't have the darkness as the others do, these focus on a white flat background.
These designs are to promote the new Nike football kits, and promote games being played involving players sponsored by Nike.

This is a good example of what am talking about, collaging a load of images together, and combing it with the typography, chance to mess about with composition and placement.

Above the three images show that I could use this idea focusing on one person and photograph them in different positions and mess about with composition and see what can be produced, with the selected few they limited there colour pallet, what ever colours that team wear, they have worked around with that, which could be something I should think about.

& the designs above are based on two Nike sponsored teams who will be going head to head, and put together a match promotion poster, using a few players from each team and combining there team colours to make the combined image.
With the images, alot of work has gone into editing the photographs colours, keeping kits bright so they stand out, and changing the colours and contrasts of the faces of the players.
I feel these design ideas could work if I was to put them together good enough.
If I where to take images along these lines and put together something, and these where not to be used for the final posters maybe I could find some use for them,
A flyer or small printed information magazine or something along them lines.
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