Shepard Fairey is a well known street designer, creating some of the biggest street art around, Obey.
Shepard Fairey is one of my favourite designers, I like his style of illustration and how he used bold lines and flat bright colours, with a limited colour pallet.
Below are a few examples of his work that I have been looking at that I feel I could use for my Movie posters designs_

With the two designs above they have again kept the colour pallet, but made the designs look abit more rougher than other example I have seen, still have the same design effect, and could be something I could work with, have a little mess about and play with.

Guns & Roses_ This is a good example of what I am looking into, same colour pallet used as Olly Moss, the design is simple, and is pretty clever, nicely put together.
Black Sabbath_ Reason for this being here is incase I would like to use people for the designs, this is a prime example of how I would like them to look on my own designs, like how they have been illustrated.
Shadow_ I like the simplicity of this design, using just a word, but it has a big effect, designs like this just appeal to me, same colour pallet once again.

Propaganda_ This isn't really a example of what I am going for, but I thought I would pop it up on here anyways, cause the use of the same colour pallet, but also it could be something I could have a test and mess about it maybe.
Looking at all these examples of Shepard Fairey & Olly Moss its made me grow on limited colour pallet in illustration, which is something that hasn't interested during my design career, till now.
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