Thursday 25 March 2010

Negotiated Brief - Stupid Sports Quotes

The Brief

Select ten sports quotes carefully from a newspaper column, or something you heard from a sports programme and visually communicate them using only the text in which they are written.


THINK VISUALLY. Consider what the visual essence of your subject matter is (the quote) and how best to communicate this. What are the obvious responses? How can you move beyond these?

Will the quote exist in the environment, on someone’s hand or a wall? Is it handcrafted or digital?

Is colour important? Will you work with just one typeface or will you use a range? Do typefaces have to be hybrid?

Target Audience

Who this brief aimed towards?
The Sun?
People Who read the sun?
or just general sport fans?

Tone of Voice

Try to make it funny/humorous, something the audience would enjoy reading and looking at.


The context of a quote depends upon who said it, whom it was said to (even if there was on one there), the environment in which is said and the tone in which it was spoken. “Words” do not exist out of context.

Working with type as image allows you to convey more than simply words the have been written.

The quote exists in the context of the article so how can this give you visual clues as to how the text from the quote may work as image?

Bib, Handjob, Playful Type.


All images should be supported by a broad range of visual investigation in the form of design sheets and notebooks.

The final image should be presented on an A2 either landscape or portrait format.

The type does not have to be an existing typeface.


Ten visually resolved quotes submitted on A2.

Studio Deadline

19th April 2010

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