Thursday 30 September 2010

Olly Moss

More of Olly Moss's work, nothing to do with film posters,
but the same simple but effective approach I want to take for my movie posters.

The Evil Dead_ This is alot more cramped that how he usually works, but still has the same effect,
Still using the detailed outline to good effect.

Stay Sharpe_ This designed was also released as a t-shirt as you can see above,
same colour pallet used for the film posters, and same approach.

Make Something Cool_ More of a colour pallet than usually used, often he sticks to 2-3 colours, but he has expanded on this approach, and used the colours to good effect.

Lost_ Alot more detail used in this poster than you usually suspect from Olly Moss, but still kept simple and neat and appealing on the eye. Once again limited colour pallet. Although there are alot of images used in this piece he has stuck to his style of illustrations.

Black Keys_ Black Keys are a personal favourite band, and when I seen this I was shocked to see he had done a piece for the band, I really like what he has done, I think the idea is really clever. Once again sticking to his simplicity.

Looking through Olly Moss's work over the last few days, he has grown and grown on me, I love the simplicity of his work, keeps it simply yet effective.
Looking though his work also made me realise you can do some great work with a limited colour pallet, don't need to just throw colours everywhere all the time.

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