Wednesday 4 August 2010

Seven Deadly Sins Logo, Illustrator

Along with the Buks logo I spent alot of time doing layout and designing a Logo to represent the Seven Deadly Sins.

I didn't want it to be two much, also like the Buks logo, I wanted it to be simple, and nothing to drastic for a simple logo, which I feel is all that is needed to be on the cover of the books.

I started by messing about with the number 7, messing about with the crossbar and the moving parts of the number around to mess about positioning.
To the right of the page I was messing with the 7, and I started adding shapes and it seemed to make a S7,
I really liked the idea, but it looks more like a sport logo to me other than a book company logo.

With this set I was messing about with different shapes,
trying to put together the shapes so the number 7 appears into the gaps the shapes make.

With the final set, I experimented abit more,
using the 'S' & '7' together, and trying to make a smart symbol.

The designs in the top right corner appeal to me more than the others.
and 'S' & '7' making the one Letter/Number/Symbol.

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